Alternative Inflation Calculator
Brought to you by The Software Architecture Company
Price or wage ($):
Year of reference price or wage:
Year of inflation-adjusted price or wage:
Inflation-adjusted Price
using alternative index #1
Inflation-adjusted Price
using alternative index #2

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How to use the Alternative Inflation Calculator

Enter a price or wage in $ (U.S.) you are interested in. Select the year the price or wage occured in. Select another year in which you want to see the inflation-adjusted price and click the Calculate button. The inflation-adjusted price will be calculated using two alternative methodologies, and the two resulting prices are displayed.

Neither of the two alternative methodologies comes from the United States government. Both alternative methodologies are created by the private sector.

Example: Find what your wage should be
  1. Enter your annual wage in 2005, $22,500.
  2. Choose 2005 for the year of the reference wage.
  3. Choose 2014 for the year of the inflation-adjusted wage.
  4. Click Calculate.
You should see an inflation-adjusted wage of $36,617.44 using methodology 1 and $34,710.84 using methodology 2.

Example: Find what a price should be
  1. Enter what the price of a product was in 2000, $8.50.
  2. Choose 2000 for the year of the reference price.
  3. Choose 2014 for the year of the inflation-adjusted price.
  4. Click Calculate.
You should see an inflation-adjusted price of $17.94 using methodology 1 and $15.71 using methodology 2.